How exactly to Create Engaging Content (And No, There Aren't 7 Steps)

How exactly to Create Engaging Content (And No, There Aren't 7 Steps)

I've heard many consultants and gurus reveal generating content, plus they often supply the same advice. "You have to know your audience," they say, "you must enter their heads. That are they? Where do they hang out? What exactly are their problems and pain points?"

Basically, the focus of one's content, so they say, ought to be consumer-focused.

While I really do believe companies need to create compelling offers which are consumer focused (but only if they want to stay static in business), I really believe that this content they generate ought to be about something totally different. I maintain that content generated by brands shouldn't be focused on the consumer, but instead ought to be focused upon the brand itself and its own unique view of the planet.

Who are you as a brandname? What would you like for the buyer and for the planet, and how do you plan to go about getting it? What value can you bring to society in terms of your innovation, insight, and thinking? What do you stand for?

Put simply, your OFFER should be all about the buyer; your CONTENT should be all about you as the brand.

AI content generator  are no longer buying solely as the offers before them are oh-so compelling, they are now buying because they are aligned with your deeper mission and even resonate with the essence of one's brand.  is your task to make this essence transparent and ubiquitous.

If and when you're so clear on who YOU are as a brand - your values, your benefit, your philosophy, your cause - you will no more stare at your personal computer screen wondering the method that you will "generate content." At the idea you feel so intrinsically connected to who you're as a brandname at core, not merely will your content enable true engagement, it will write itself.